Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 2 by Sam and Dr. Bryja

Our adventure today was filled with sanding concrete and painting.  We began the day with breakfast and then boarded the van to ride to the work site.  The home we worked on was newly completed and was ready to be painted.  However, prior to painting, we had to sand each wall.  Our sanding tool was a small block (4" long x 2" wide x 1" deep) and looked like it was made from the tar used to pave roads.  Hard to believe that we only had four blocks and managed to sand the entire house inside and outside.  Several of us lost the tips of nails in the process!  The project took most of our morning and into the early afternoon.  In between, we had our morning snack and then lunch around 1:30 p.m.  Several students painted the house with the primer and then the outside color and trim.  Ryan, John, and Sam ventured to the roof to paint the top layer.  The ladders we used were very primitive - one was a few pieces of board attached to two longer pieces of wood.  The other, was very narrow metal rods connected to longer metal pieces.  Unstable is an understatement!!  When we finished, the house looked nice but the inside was not fully completed.  Although this didn't seem like a hard day's work, we were all exhausted as we boarded our van.  Next, we rode to a local orphanage to play with the children.  They were all adorable and excited to see us; especially our digital cameras.  They enjoyed posing numerous times!  The Bullis boys, Iman, and Mr. Waugh took on the older boys in a challenging game of basketball.   Unfortunately our team lost in a very tough game.  We did tour the orphanage and grounds.  We took a photo of the Boston Red Sox logo painted by a boy in Mr. Delinsky's honor!  Once back to the hotel, we showered and had some rest before our 8:00 pm dinner.  It was a delicious meal of grilled chicken, vegetables, plantains, and potatoes.  We look forward to what Wednesday will bring.  Most likely, we will finished today's house and work at another home.

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